Released in 1988 and named after Jim Marshall himself, the original The Guv'nor pedal was the first stompbox that squeezed Marshall's "big black box" sound into a little black box! Setting the standard for distortion, The Guv'nor was adored for providing a smooth overdriven sound with a touch of musical compression, all the way to a cranked and heavy amp-style gain tone. Fast-forward to the present day, and this Vintage Reissue is here to do it all over again!
The Marshall Reissue edition of The Guv'nor faithfully captures the classic sound of the original pedal and comes housed in a casing that's accurately modelled on the original, from the unique shape right down to the individually-coloured control knobs. Everything has been painstakingly reproduced in the same factory that has been building Marshall amplifiers for more than sixty years. All that's missing are the stories you collect over 30+ years of use, but that's where you come in!